Featured image of the Halide solide electrolytes for li-ion batteries patent landscape report.

Halide Solid Electrolytes for Li-ion Batteries Patent Landscape 2024

Patented technologies and nascent IP competition for emerging halide solid electrolyte materials Publication May 2024 Download Flyer Download Sample KEY FEATURES PDF >90 slides Excel file >300 patent families Global patenting trends, including time evolution of patent publications, countries of patent filings, etc. Main patent assignees and IP newcomers in the different segments of the[…]

Silicon Anode for Li-ion Batteries Patent Landscape 2022

How have industry leaders and start-ups positioned their pawns to address the glorious potential of silicon anode-based Li-ion batteries? Publication April 2022 Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features PDF with > 180 slides Excel file + Online database > 12,300 patent families IP trends, including time evolution of published patents and countries of patent[…]

Solid Electrolytes for Li-ion Solid-state Batteries Patent Landscape 2019

Solid electrolyte material is the key ingredient in solid-state batteries. This patent analysis will empower your understanding of the main R&D trends and competitors’ technological strategies found in the solid electrolyte materials jungle.   Publication October 2019 Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features PDF with > 250 slides Excel file > 5,800 patents IP[…]