Honeywell Microbolometer Patent Portfolio Analysis 2015

Will Honeywell continue to lead the Microbolometer patent landscape with the evolution of a new consumer market ? Publication July 2015 Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features The report provides essential patent data for Honeywell Microbolometer patent portfolio including : PDF > 50 slides Time evolution of patent publications and countries of patent filings[…]

Resistive Memory Patent Landscape 2015

With Resistive Memory adoption to replace NAND, how will evolve IP forces involved in the next years ? Publication July 2015 Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features The report provides essential patent data for ReRAM and Memristor including: PDF > 120 slides Time evolution of patent publications and countries of patent filings. Ranking of[…]

MEMS Microphone Technology and Patent Infringement Risk Analysis 2015

Market growth, challenged leader : patent battle can start. Review of  Knowles, STMicroelectronics/OMRON, AAC Technologies/Infineon Technologies, InvenSense/Analog Devices Publication Apr. 2015 Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features PDF > 120 slides Find the technical and manufacturing process similarities and differences of S1157, MP45DT01, SR595 and ICS43432 MEMS Microphones. Identify key patents held by Knowles, STMicroelectronics,[…]

Biomedical Photoacoustic Imaging Patent Landscape 2015

Japanese companies show strong interest recently in biomedical photoacoustic imaging but US academics own key patents and US companies are already on the market Publication Mar. 2015 Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features The report provides essential patent data for biomedical photoacoustic imaging including: PDF > 100 slides Time evolution of patent publications and[…]