Fingerprint Sensors Patent Landscape 2015

New strong IP enthusiasm and new players such as Apple are leaving their imprint on the market Publication Jan. 2015 Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features The report provides essential patent data for fingerprint sensors of the capacitive type including: PDF > 100 slides Time evolution of patent publications and countries of patent filings[…]

Emerging MEMS Patent Landscape 2014

Who owns key patents for high-growth emerging MEMS innovations? Publication Oct. 2014 Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features PDF > 220 slides Analysis of technology key segments and key players (over 250 players identified) Key patent data on each type of emerging MEMS Autofocus AOC MEMS Chemical sensors Micro-speaker Scanning micro-mirrors Si Microfluidics Ultrasonic[…]

FD-SOI Patent Landscape 2014

The major proponents of the FD-SOI technology have strong IP arms, but other unexpected players known as not supporting FD-SOI are also present Publication Dec. 2014 Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features The report provides essential patent data for FD-SOI including: PDF > 120 slides Time evolution of patent publications and countries of patent[…]

9-Axis MEMS IMU Technology and patent infringement risk Analysis 2014

STMicroelectronics (LSM9DS0), Bosch Sensortec (BMX055), InvenSense (MPU-9250) Publication Sep. 2014 Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features PDF > 80 slides Find the technical and manufacturing process similarities and differences of LSM9DS0, BMX055 and MPU-9250 9-axis IMU components. Identify key patents held by STMicroelectronics, Bosch Sensortec and InvenSense, and related to the target product features.[…]