August 25, 2022

KnowMade’s expertise in Energy storage and management

The next decade will be marked by the decarbonisation of our society to achieve carbon neutral status, i.e., net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions. With the accelerating shift towards electric vehicles and the growing integration of renewables into our energy system, an increasingly more significant portion of our everyday life will depend on reliable energy storage and management technologies.

Energy storage technology expertise.

Electrification of the transportation industry is driving energy storage and management technologies

The transportation sector is undergoing major transformations to fulfil new fuel economy regulations and CO2 emission reduction targets from various governments. Battery electric vehicles (BEV) and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) are considered to replace current fossil-fuelled internal combustion-engine vehicles (ICEVs). The technological developments of batteries and fuel cells are driven by this transition. Hydrogen fuel cells and electric batteries are often portrayed as competing technologies (proton versus electron), but they should play complementary roles to decarbonise transportation.

Battery electric vehicles are achieving momentum, and most automakers are now committed to moving from ICEVs to BEVs in a decade. This transition creates opportunities and risks in a highly competitive battery industry where improvements and new technology developments are being made at all levels of the value chain. With some unresolved issues for electric vehicles (mileage autonomy and charging speed, to name a few), we are witnessing a revival in interest in fuel cell technology for electric transportation. Hydrogen fuel-cell passenger cars are a niche product and will likely remain insignificant in the coming years. Fuel-cell technology will fare better for long-haul freight transport. Although fuel cell is an old technology, there is still a lot of room for improvement before hydrogen can play its part in the decarbonisation of the transportation sector. The move from internal combustion engines (ICE) to an all-electric power platform is supported by electric drive development, where wide bandgap semiconductors emerge as promising candidates to enable significant efficiency improvements in power management systems.

KnowMade’s experts have responses

At KnowMade, we have both battery technology expertise and fuel cell expertise to follow and analyse R&D developments and patent activities. We track current and future challenges, the latest innovations, and emerging technologies – from cell materials and components to cells and packs – all the way to energy management systems, safety, and recycling. We cover the leading application segments: consumer electronics, e-mobility, and stationary energy storage.

Latest reports on energy storage technologies

Who are the key players and newcomers in the global IP race for the promising silicon anode-based Li-ion batteries? Publication September 2024 Download Flyer Download Sample [...]
Featured image of the Halide solide electrolytes for li-ion batteries patent landscape report.
Patented technologies and nascent IP competition for emerging halide solid electrolyte materials Publication May 2024 Download Flyer Download Sample KEY FEATURES PDF >90 slides Excel [...]
Featured image of Patent landscape report on Hydrogen fuel cells.
The growth in patenting activity among German vehicle manufacturers and the impressive IP recent developments of Chinese companies are indicative of renewed interest in hydrogen-based [...]

Patent monitors on energy storage technologies

Featured image of the Silicon Anode Li-ion Batteries Patent Monitor.
Get up-to-date data on silicon anode Li-ion batteries patent activity: New patent applications, patents newly granted, expired or abandoned patents, latest patent transfers, patent litigations [...]
Get up-to-date data on Solid-State Battery patent activity: New patent applications, patents newly granted, expired or abandoned patents, latest patent transfers, patent litigations and oppositions [...]

Latest insights on energy storage technologies

SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, France – February 17, 2025 │ The lithium-ion battery market has experienced exponential growth worldwide, driven by the rising demand for electric vehicles [...]
Featured image of the article Major Chinese Li-ion battery supplier, what is COSMX patenting activity on silicon anode-based Li-ion batteries?
SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, France – December 03, 2024 │The increase in energy density is one of the main drivers for battery technology. On the anode side, [...]
Featured image of the article Back from the Batteries Event 2024, our poster on Li-ion batteries recycling.
SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, France – October 15, 2024 │Dr. Filippo Farina, from our Battery team, presented a poster throughout Batteries Event 2024, providing information on Li-ion [...]