MicroLED Displays Patent Landscape 2018

Which companies own patents in microLED display? What are their major thrust areas and portfolio strength? Publication January 2018  Single user license – €5,990.00  Multi user license – €6,490.00 Add to Cart Checkout Added to cart Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features PDF > 300 slides Evolution of patent filings and countries of…

Nanowire LED Patent Landscape 2014

New nanowire LED startups compete with Asian LED giants in the IP landscape Publication May. 2014  Single user licence – €3,990.00  Multi user licence – €5,990.00 Add to Cart Checkout Added to cart Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features PDF > 130 slides Analysis of technology key segments and key players Focus on…

Fluidigm Patent Portfolio Analysis 2017

Fluidigm is taking a leading IP position in emerging microfluidic technologies. Publication May 2017  Multi user license – €3,990.00 Add to Cart Checkout Added to cart Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features PDF >80 slides Time evolution of patent publications and countries of patent filings Current legal status of patents Citation…

Emerging Non-Volatile Memories Patent Landscape 2014

Niche memory markets with a vast number of patents held by big companies Publication Feb. 2014  Single user license – €2,990.00  Multi user license – €3,990.00 Add to Cart Checkout Added to cart Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features PDF > 115 slides Analysis of key players and technology key segments (FeRAM, MRAM,…