Phosphors & Quantum Dots for LED Application Patent Landscape 2016

…the most, haven’t developed compositions themselves. Among the phosphor makers, six companies are the most active in developing other compositions. In China, the most active companies/universities researching phosphor compositions are mostly focusing on Nitrides but also on new compositions such as Europium activated Molybdates, Vanadates, Chlorine Borates, Tungstates and Antimonates….

Fan-Out Wafer Level Packaging Patent Landscape 2016

companies like Polaris Innovations (WiLAN), which in 2015 acquired key patents from Infineon/Qimonda. The visibility of such companies in the patent landscape is a tangible sign of the market explodes. In the next few years Polaris Innovations could assert its patents to make money, and in this report we present…

Silicon Anode for Li-ion Batteries Patent Landscape 2022

…booming industry, and the level of intellectual property (IP) activity is growing fast with numerous newcomers entering the game. Patent landscape analysis is the perfect complement to market research, to fully comprehend the competitive landscape and technology roadmap, keep up with new technology developments, anticipate future technology adoption, and understand…

Silicon Carbide (SiC) Patent Landscape 2022

…Indeed, the entry barrier in SiC wafer business is remarkably high, as attested by the very limited number of companies currently able to mass produce large-area and high quality SiC wafers to power device makers, so that they can comply with the stringent device requirements expected from the EV industry….