RF Front-End Modules & Components Patent Monitor

Get updated data on RF front-end module patent activity: new patents, patents expired or abandoned, latest patent transfers and patent litigation. Need more information or interested in subscribing to this service? Contact us. Download Flyer Download Excel Download Sample Key features of the service Every quarter an Excel file including:…

The audio world has stepped into another dimension

…and IP Strategy consulting company specialized in analysis of patents and scientific information. The company helps innovative companies and R&D organizations to understand their competitive landscape, follow technology trends, and find out opportunities and threats in terms of technology and patents. Knowmade’s analysts combine their strong technology expertise and in-depth…

Apple, the best positioned to bring high volume consumer microLEDs to market

…a Technology Intelligence and IP Strategy consulting company specialized in analysis of patents and scientific information. The company helps innovative companies and R&D organizations to understand their competitive landscape, follow technology trends, and find out opportunities and threats in terms of technology and patents. Knowmade’s analysts combine their strong technology…

What is the status of III-N technology?

…5% CAGR between 2016 and 2020. Indeed the overall GaN industry is today mainly boosted by newly emerging markets. A detailed description of Yole Group of Companies reports is available on i-micronews.com, compound semi. reports section. Acronyms: GaN: Gallium Nitride LED: Lighting Emitting Diode RF: Radio Frequency CAGR : Compound…