Solid-state lighting source: a business opportunity of US$32 billion in 2024

…2018 to US$32.3 billion in 2024, at a 8% CAGR betweek 2018 and 2024. “Such growth will be driven mostly by LED technologies”, comments Pars Mukish, Business Unit Manager at Yole. “However, related market share will decline from about 84% in 2018 to 73% in 2024, reflecting different market/application dynamics…

Newcomers protecting memory hardware innovations for Artificial Intelligence: how do their patent portfolio looks like? How do they compare to big firms?

…landscape on memory for AI is TetraMem. TetraMem is a pure-player start-up company founded in 2018. As the company was set up by Hewlett-Packard (HP) former employees, it beneficiates from a strong RRAM expertise, builds on HP experience, and moves fast towards high-density RRAM integration. The patent portfolio focuses on…

Patent Race: The Competition Between BioNTech and Moderna for the mRNA Vaccine Against Monkeypox

…virions (EVs) or mature virions (MVs). Figure 3: Survival curve The figure shows percent survival of BALB/c mice immunized with compositions comprising constructs encoding combinations of antigens (Combo 1, Combo 2, Combo 3, Combo 4, Combo 5) or saline before challenge with vaccinia virus. Combo 1 comprises B6 and Ml…

Unveiling the dynamics of RF acoustic wave filters patent landscape: a deep dive into a fast-moving industry

…RF Acoustic Wave Filters Patent Landscape 2024 report serves as a compass in this dynamic landscape, providing an overview on the industry through the complexities of patenting trends, offering a comprehensive analysis of technological advancements, and strategic positions of IP players. A tense and competitive environment The recent tensions between…