Honeywell Microbolometer Patent Portfolio Analysis 2015

…Citations Network with the analysis of the content of citing/cited patents, the IP competitors of Honeywell in the microbolometer domain have been ranked in order to establish a general view of the IP Competitive Environment. Thus IP competitor developing microbolometer technologies have been identified. Identify key patents Key patents have…

Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring Patent Landscape 2015

With the entry of new companies, such as Google, the field of non-invasive glucose monitoring is expected to grow rapidly, with new innovative and accurate devices Publication September 2015  Single user license – €2,990.00  Multi user license – €3,990.00 Add to Cart Checkout Added to cart Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features The…

Phosphors & Quantum Dots for LED Application Patent Landscape 2016

…the most, haven’t developed compositions themselves. Among the phosphor makers, six companies are the most active in developing other compositions. In China, the most active companies/universities researching phosphor compositions are mostly focusing on Nitrides but also on new compositions such as Europium activated Molybdates, Vanadates, Chlorine Borates, Tungstates and Antimonates….

Fan-Out Wafer Level Packaging Patent Landscape 2016

…Added to cart Download Flyer Download Sample Report’s Key Features PDF > 200 slides Excel file (3,100+ patents) IP trends, including time evolutions and countries of patent filings Patents’ current legal status Ranking of main patent applicants IP collaboration, joint development, and licensing agreements Key players’ IP position, and relative…